Outcast Redeemed News

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. —Proverbs 11:25

Light The Land!

Light The Land!

As we began this journey to bring hope to the outcast children living in the Dominican Republic, we knew that God wanted us to establish a presence that would...

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Clean Water! Go Build Love!

Clean Water! Go Build Love!

What an amazing week we had serving Monte Verde alongside the ministry of Go Build Love. God is beginning the transformation process in this...

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Bibles in Haitian Creole!

Bibles in Haitian Creole!

The community of Monte Verde is predominantly Haitian heritage. Revival is happening here! The hearts of the people are hungry for the one true...

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Hope Has a Name

Hope Has a Name

As I think about this past week and how the Lord continues to teach me, I am so thankful that He never leaves us. He loves us too much to leave us...

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Mission Highlights and Hugs!

Mission Highlights and Hugs!

In February, 11 of us traveled from Wisconsin to the Dominican Republic to be with these amazing children. It was truly an amazing adventure from the time we...

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Light the Land Event

Light the Land Event

Thank you to all who participated in our Light the Land event October 23rd. Whether you volunteered, provided a silent auction donation, or...

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A Mission of Hope – A Vision for Change

Outcast Redeemed Inc.
P.O. Box 716
Brookfield, WI 53008


Sponsorships serve these and many more children.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. —Matt 5:7

A vision to see every child fed, loved, saved and protected. 

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