About Outcast Redeemed
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. —Matt 5:7
Our Story…
The humanitarian work of Outcast Redeemed began in 2019. While vacationing in Punta Cana and traveling inland from the beautiful beaches of our resort, we were stunned by the abject poverty and desperate living conditions. Upon returning to the US we researched the history and circumstances of the Dominican and Haitian people living in the Dominican Republic. We found a tragic history which has led to widespread poverty and utter hopelessness for many people. God has given us a mission of hope and a vision for change.
It comes down to us. We can be the agent of change and bring light where there is darkness. We can bring change that will impact children and the generations after them. Our goal is to disrupt the cycle of poverty by teaching life-skills and providing hope. Many people ask God, why he doesn’t do something about the suffering in the world and he says, “I did, I created you!” Will you join us in His work?
Our Mission
To serve and develop children, living in the most desperate places in the Dominican Republic. Our mission focus is sharing the love of Jesus in order to bring hope to the hopeless and redemption to the outcast.
Strategy –
Through Sponsorship And Donations
- We provide meals for underdeveloped children who would otherwise go hungry.
- We support education and we teach English & Bible classes.
- We teach the truth of the gospel through outreach evangelism, vacation bible school, and sports.
- We provide children with mentors that model respect, safety and hope for a sustainable future.
Goal –
Each child will know they are loved by a Heavenly father. They will understand they have a God given purpose unique to them. We are determined to empower these children to be beacons of hope and agents of change in their community for generations to come.
Our Ministers in The Dominican Republic
Pastor Jacob
Jacob Geffrard is the Registered pastor and contact for our mission in the country. He is a man of faith and integrity who was instrumental in the establishment of Outcast Redeemed. He pastors a church in La OtraBanda and oversees other churches as well. He is a husband, father, faithful follower of Christ and a good friend to many.
Pastor Miguelson Placide, Missions Manager
Miguelson Placide joined the staff of Outcast Redeemed as onsite overseer In January of 2025. He is a welcomed addition to the mission with his leadership skills and pastoral training. He has a genuine love for the children and is qualified to bring life skills education and vocational training to enrich their lives. Miguelson completed studies in Economics, Management, Pastoral Studies, and Language. He speaks French, Creole, Spanish, and English.
Yanibel, Literacy Teacher
Wildine, Cook

A Mission of Hope – A Vision for Change
Sponsorships serve these and many more children.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. —Matt 5:7
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